May 2022 / 4 posts found

Love of God and His Salvation

God’s Love That Has Saved Us Through Jesus Christ.

by Pastor
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To grasp the magnitude of our deliverance, we must first comprehend where we came from. We are not exempt from the repercussions of our actions because we are descendants of Adam.
Worship Honors God and is a Strong Weapon Against Spiritual Attack

Worship Honors God and is a Strong Weapon Against Spiritual Attack

by Pastor
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Have you ever felt like you were under attack? Things in life are going south, and it seems that nothing is going right. You hear people say things like “God is mad at me” or “I am under attack” or “the Devil is doing this….” We know God does allow certain things to take place in our lives. Look at Job. God allowed Satan to have his way with him, and the only thing Satan was not able to do or allowed to do is take Job’s life.
Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Who Is Jesus?

by Pastor
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The problem with following anyone, a leader, a president, a supervisor, a CEO of a company or Jesus, is that people don’t often know the person, or anything about them.
Mothers Day

Honoring Mothers of Faith on Mother’s Day

by Pastor
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On this Mother's Day, I thought it would be appropriate to honor two mothers: Lois, Timothy's grandmother, and Eunice, Timothy's mother. I'd like to pay tribute to Timothy's inheritance, which he received since his mother and grandma loved him enough to give him their most valuable possession: faith.