August 2020 / 3 posts found

lillies of the field

Put Jesus First In All Things

by Pastor
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It goes without saying that there is a lot to be concerned about today. If you watch the news there is a lot of unsettling issues being reported on. Both social and political issues we have never seen in our lifetime are unfolding right before our eyes. And many of the issues have always been here, they are just at the forefront. Regardless of your opinion or thoughts on what is going on in today’s society, there is a lot of reason for worry and anxiety.
Prayer Meets Our Needs

Prayer Meets Our Needs

by Pastor
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Prayer for the Christian brings us into the presence of the highest and loving God in our times of need. It allows us to experience intimacy, to be comforted, to be healed, to be forgiven and allows us to know the will and heart of our Heavenly Father. Prayer does something to us. When we come before God in prayer we open ourselves to God and His will. This openness allows the Holy Spirit to come in that soft still voice and speak to us.
prayer is priority

Prayer is Priority

by Pastor
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The very first thing the church did was pray. Acts 1:4-14 Jesus told His disciples they would be witnesses. They did not go and tell people of what they had just seen, they went into the upper room and prayed and waited for the Holy Spirit.