March 2021 / 2 posts found

The Passion of Christ on the Cross

by Pastor
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Have you ever wondered why they call Christ suffering the passion? The word passion describes the sufferings of Jesus at the cross not to mention the much suffering He endured on the way to the cross for us. The interesting thing about the word “passion” is that it existed and referred to Jesus suffering long before it had its current meaning as we know and understand today.

God’s Love Expressed Through Prayer

by Pastor
We have Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, with a chosen few, namely Peter, James, and John. He asks them to sit with Him and pray. They obviously couldn’t stay awake even for an hour. Jesus comes to the most difficult time in His worldly life. He knows that He is going to be apprehended and taken into custody. He knows that His death is days away, the most unthinkable torture for any person let alone a king is soon to take place.